Mar 132003

I just want to say thank you, to everyone, for the remarkably high class of comments here — so high-class that they often make me wish I had written something better in the first place to justify them. Professional philosophers correct me about philosophy, polyglots about language, lawyers about law, poets and critics about poetry, national champions about bridge, the rest of you about everything else. In eight months of blogging I’ve received fewer than a dozen nasty or pointless comments, and hundreds of well-reasoned, polite, humorous, and pertinent ones. I’m overwhelmed, seriously, and this is just a small measure of my gratitude, to all of you.

  6 Responses to “This Post’s For You”

  1. You’re the most, Aaron.

  2. Your commenters are polite and intellegent, because your posts are courteous, intellegent, and almost completely gratuitous-rant-free.

    How is that for cause and effect?

  3. My mother taught me to always be polite to my elders. ;o)

  4. And you were doing well Deb, until then.

  5. Ta! As they say round my way. (Actually, I’m more of a dilettante than a polyglot, I’m afraid).

  6. Fewer than a dozen pointless comments? Yikes, I gotta comment more!


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