Mar 302003

I can’t speak for each blogger, but this blogger is really four:

  • The blogger who plays computer games instead of blogging.
  • The blogger who checks his reefer logs like a hamster on crank instead of blogging.
  • The blogger who, realizing that his last post could stand some polishing up, decides oh fuck it, hits the publish button and takes a nap instead.
  • The blogger who makes fun of chuckleheads who find the secrets of the universe in business books and use, without irony — or even with — terms like “proactive,” “synergize,” and “win/win.”

(Link from Andrea Harris. Gee thanks, Andrea!)

  5 Responses to “Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Bloggers”

  1. Just doing my job. 😉

  2. You forgot #5: The blogger who promises seven of something and is too lazy or distracted to come up with more than four.

  3. Hey, I thought four was a considerable effort.

  4. "The blogger who checks his reefer logs like a hamster on crank instead of blogging."

    A new kind of reefer madness strikes America.

  5. Aaron, those are your unpolished posts? Oh dear, I’m in deeper guacamole than I thought…

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